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Things not to do at a work holiday party

It is that time of year when the company is hosting it’s annual holiday party.  This is a great time of year to enjoy the festivities but be careful because it can also be a dangerous season for job security.  It is easy to forget the work place boundaries when alcohol is thrown into the mix.  Be sure to read these helpful tips before you dive into the conversations, open bars, and a more relaxed atmosphere at the company event.

1)  Indulge in the free bar-  It is very easy to get excited about a free bar!  Been there and done that!  You need to remember that this is a work event.  Alcohol changes judgement and behavior.  This is not a wedding or bachelor party, this is a work event.  Professionalism is key for survival.  Limit yourself to 1 or 2 drinks period.

2) Be a Debbie Downer-  Nobody likes a negative attitude.  Don’t be the person who is complaining about the food spread, decorations or the music.  Remember that this is not a requirement for the company to throw a party.  Also, remember that the economy still stinks!  Revenue and profits could be down and your complaining might strike some real nerves with the boss or owner.

3) Mention raises or bonuses-  If you receive a nice raise or bonus and mention it to a coworker who did not then you are a jerk.  If you complain about not receiving a raise or bonus then you are the loser.  Either way you can’t win!

4)  Make Moves on Coworkers-  The environment is loose and friendly.  You have had a drink or two and now you have gained the courage to make a move on a coworker.  Not only are you asking for a lawsuit but you are not exactly sending the right message in your workforce.  Who wants the sloppy drunk from the office??

5) Gossip- My final recommendation is to not gossip.  Not only does it put you in a bad position but nobody likes to be around the gossip queen.  Enjoy yourself, keep your thoughts and comments to yourself and enjoy the party!

Have a Happy Holiday from your friends at Lehigh Valley Grand Prix!

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